Board of Directors and Advisory Panel
The CCNA Board of Directors provides leadership and oversight for the organization and is supported by the CCNA Advisory Panel that provides advice and counsel to the Board of Directors.
The Leadership Team includes a diverse group of prominent elected officials, business professionals, lawyers, retired military officers, representatives of the faith community, leaders of community-based organizations, a RARE Parent, and government officials who work together to provide leadership, guidance and support to the CCNA. Many of the members are also Alexandria Living Legends, lifelong residents of Alexandria and products of ACPS. Several of these leaders grew up in disadvantaged situations but managed to “beat the odds” because of the support and opportunities available to them. It was those supports and opportunities that made all the difference in their lives. These concerned and caring citizens are committed to providing the same kinds of support and opportunities to the youth and citizens in and around the city of Alexandria.
Executive Committee
Dr. Ruth Woods
Dr. Ruth Woods – Fairfax County Public School Administrator.
Brenda Adams
Vice Chair
Brenda Adams retired from the Federal Government with over 35 years of exemplary service. READ MORE...
Charles Wilson
Secretary / Treasurer
COL Charles Wilson (Ret) Former School Board Member, Alexandria Public School System
COL Jim Paige (RET)
Executive Director
Jim Paige, a senior executive, and a retired Army Colonel, has a wealth of experience in international affairs, strategic communication, program management, and leadership development.. READ MORE…
William "Bill" Euille
William D. “Bill” Euille, Former three term mayor of Alexandria VA. Honored as 2016 Alexandria Living Legend.
Dr. Bernard Jackson
Dr. Bernard Jackson Executive Director, Leading Edge (STEM Program) Prince George County, MD
Rev. Pamela Lyons
Rev. Pamela Diane Lyons Software Analyst and Former Mathematics Teacher, Montgomery County, MD
Jena Roscoe
Jena Roscoe, Program Manager, MicroSoft and Operation Hope (Financial Literacy), Washington DC
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley is the Pastor of the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA.
Gwendolyn Hubbard Lewis
Advisor / Founder
Gwendolyn Hubbard Lewis is the Founder and former Executive Director of Concerned Citizens Network… READ MORE…
Patricia Funderburk-Ware
President/CEO, PFW Consultants, Alexandria VA
A. Toni Lewis
A. Toni Lewis is Founder and Executive Director of The Foundation for the Advancement of Music & Education, Inc. (FAME).
Gwendolyn Day-Fuller
Advisor / Past Chair
Gwen Day-Fuller’s road to a teaching career was sparked during her early childhood. READ MORE
Special Note
Ferdinand T. Day
Member Emeritus
Ferdinand T. Day (Deceased) Member Emeritus, First African American, Chair, Alexandria City Public School Board. Honored as Alexandria Living Legend.
Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria
107 S. West Street
Suite 144
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 973-0290
Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.