AHNI Backpack Donations
Dare to Dream
A Walking Tour
Developing Life Skills
CCNA Attends Jefferson-Houston Middle School Open House
Community Stakeholders Acknowledge Jefferson-Houston AVID Students
Fire Chief Smedley Visits Jefferson Houston – Inspires AVID Students
Sheriff Casey Visits Jefferson-Houston Middle School
CCNA Volunteers Inspire Jefferson Houston Students
Supporting Jefferson-Houston AVID
Reach & Rise for Excellence
CCNA’s flagship program, Reach and Rise for Excellence (RARE), is a mentoring and professional development program serving 6th – 8th-grade students at Francis C. Hammond and Jefferson Houston Middle Schools. RARE focuses on academic achievement, mentoring, leadership development, cultural education, and parent involvement.
The program is provided at no cost to families and includes academic support such as help with homework, diagnostic tools in tutoring, and online programs to support classroom instruction. Academic supports are supplemented by cultural enrichment activities, team-building, and leadership activities, and general life skills educational activities.
Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria
107 S. West Street
Suite 144
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 973-0290
Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.